Offering you a complete choice of products which include Intensifying Lead Screen.
Lead Intensifying Screens are thin sheets of lead foil mounted on card for ease of handling. One is placed on each side of an x-ray film and in close contact with it, inside a cassette or film-holder before exposure.
Salient Features:
Flexible and Durable – the high quality backing used in the production of RADAC screens means that they can be bent over and over again to a small radius without cracking resulting in a lower whole life cost. The high flexibility of RADAC screens ensures that optimal film-to-screen contact can be achieved.
High Intensification – A peel-off plastic film cover protects the surface of the RADAC lead screen ensuring they are received in perfect condition. The high quality un-coated lead used in RADAC screens results in higher intensification and an absence of problems associated with lacquer coatings.